First Business Finance offer both leasing and Hire purchase options
With investments in technology however most customer choose to lease as there are many benefits including tax relief and enables you to upgrade your equipment more frequently.
Flexibility with options and packages:
No deposit deals
Put a larger deposit down to reduce monthly payments
2, 3, 4 & 5 year terms
Top Ten reasons why companies lease
There are many reasons why companies lease equipment. Equipment leasing provides flexibility and protection against technological obsolescence. Leasing allows a company to better match cash outflow with revenue production through the use of equipment. Leasing conserves valuable working capital and bank lines.
1 – Purchasing Power
Materials lease financing allows the lessee to acquire more and/or higher-end Materials
2 – Lease to Conserve Capital
They lease because they can make more money from what they buy than what it costs them, finance costs included. And they lease so they can pay while they use it instead of before.
3 – Asset Management
A lease provides the use of materials for specific periods of time at fixed payments.
4 – Service Additions
Many lessees choose to structure their leases to include installation, maintenance and other services, if needed.
5 – The Longer Service Life
Leasing provides companies and residential customers with the ability to buy the best on the market. This will save the lessee buying another fence half way through our service life with a cheaper fence.
6 – 100 Percent Financing
With equipment leasing there is rarely a deposit required. The term of the lease can be matched with the useful life of the equipment.
7 – Tax Treatment *
Leasing offers the option of deducting 100 percent of the lease payment as a business expense.
8 – Specialized Assistance
Lessors are specialists in material leasing & financing - There are many reasons why companies lease materials. Leasing allows a company to better match cash outflow with revenue production through the use of materials. Leasing conserves valuable working capital and bank lines
9 – Flexibility
There are a variety of leasing products available, allowing the lessee to customize a program to address needs and requirements – cash flow, budget, transaction structure, cyclical fluctuations, etc.
10 – Proven Material Financing Option
There is a reason why every single FTSE 100 company and all of the major firms lease. It makes sound financial sense.
* All references to taxation treatment are subject to confirmation by your professional advisers.
Questions & Answers
Q: What exactly is a lease agreement?
A: It is a contract between you and the finance company for the use of acoustic fencing that you have chosen. The supplier provides you with the aoustic fencing, the finance company pay the supplier’s invoice and you pay the finance company fixed regular monthly repayments over an agreed period.
Q: How long should the leasing period be?
A: The leasing period should be no longer than the expected useful life of the equipment. We have the ability to provide you with a tailored finance solution to meet your needs and return on investment.
Q: How frequently do you require payments?
A: We have the ability to offer various payment profiles to match your needs. Monthly or quarterly payments are typical but even annual payments can be offered in certain cases.
Q: Are the payments fixed for the period of the agreement?
A: Yes – The repayments are not affected by fluctuations in interest rates. VAT will be charged at the rate applicable at the time repayments are due. If there are any changes in taxation or writing down allowances during the period of the agreement, the finance company may vary the remaining repayments to leave them in the same financial position they had assumed at the beginning.
Q: Can I end the agreement before the end of the leasing period?
A: Yes – In most cases you will need to give us three months’ notice and pay all the remaining rentals less an early settlement discount. A written quotation can be provided on request. Calculations are in accordance with industry guidelines.
Q: Who is responsible for insuring the Acoustic Fencing?
A: As soon as you take delivery of the Acoustic Fencing you are obliged to insure it against loss or damage. You are also liable for third party risks, including loss, damage or injury to persons or property. The finance company may ask you for proof of insurance and if you do not have any, arrange it on your behalf.
Q: What happens if the Acoustic Fence is stolen or damaged?
A: If the equipment is stolen or damaged you should deal with this through your insurers in the usual way. You must tell us as soon as possible if any loss or damage has occurred. If you make an insurance claim that results in the equipment being replaced, then this new equipment will belong to the Finance Company.
Q: What about maintenance of the Acoustic Fencing?
A: All of the timber we supply is guaranteed for 25 years against rot and wood boring insect attack, it is also maintenance free for the 25 years. All we ask is that the fencing is checked once a year for splintering and damage.